So it's Sam here. Something really bad happened yesterday that put Ray-Ray to tears. Story time!
So yesterday Ray-Ray had this really cool idea that my sisters and I were going to get ice cream and it was going to be a AGSM. So she thought she was going to put Payton in a different outfit. Then she took off her pants and it happened:
SHE HAD FABRIC MARKS ALL OVER HER! It was really bad. so now your are most likely thinking: Samantha, OMG is Payton OK?!?!?!? Well I am here to say... not exactly. Ray-Ray could not film this video. So she made a video about it. She waited till her mom came home from work so she could look at it. So her mom looked at it and said she would look at it more closely later. So Later came and what her mom did is use a Mr. Clean magic eraser. When Ray-Ray tried that earlier nothing even faded. It happened again this time as well. So then they both watched this video by this user on how to remove ink and maker and pen off you doll. They didn't have the stuff. So then Ray-Ray showed her mom what she was looking at before she came home. The American Girl hospital. Her mom said no. So now Ray-Ray has Payton in her room not in the dollhouse but on a shelf in her underwear. I feel really bad. The weirdest thing is that Payton had the pants from the Minny mouse outfit on her before she took the pants off. That only means one thing. THE PANTS HAVE DONE IT!! This is VERY sad.
Anyway I got to go.
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